The STELLA partnership includes private and public organisations from 5 European countries: Bulgaria, Germany, France, Italy and Portugal.
- Amitié - a private training and research centre based in Bologna (Italy) - is the project coordinator.
Who we are
Amitié was created in 1991 as part of a University-Enterprise Training Partnership in the framework of the COMETT Programme, sponsored by the European Commission, with the aim to promote training activities in the Information and Communication Technology sector. In 1995 Amitié created a private organisation carrying out the following activities: research in the field of new methodologies of learning, project management, consulting and assistance for EC funded projects, dissemination and promotion initiatives, pilot training activities, etc. Amitié has been partner of the previous GRID project (Socrates Action 6) coordinated by the Pôle Universitaire Européen de Nancy (France) - on the results of which the STELLA project is based.
via val d'Aposa, 3
I-40123 Bologna
Contact person(s): Francesca Magrefi, Sibylle Moebius, Pier Giacomo Sola
- Institut National Polytechnique de Lorraine (INPL)
Who we are
The Institut National Polytechnique de Lorraine (INPL) is a public University of Technology founded in 1971. It is one of the 3 universities of Nancy together with Université de Nancy 2, and Université Henri Poincaré, Nancy 1, they have decided to form a federation under the name of "Nancy Université". Nancy Université employs 4000 teachers and researchers, and attracts 45,000 students.
INPL consists of 7 "Grandes Écoles" (Graduate Engineering Schools) and a School of Architecture. It awards engineering (or architecture) diplomas, masters and PhD degrees. The fields covered by the INPL are: Materials Sciences and Engineering, Agronomy and Food Sciences, Electricity and Mechanics, Geology, Industrial Systems Engineering, Chemical Industries), Mining and Architecture.
Avenue de la forêt de Haye - BP 3
F-54501 Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy
Contact person(s): Cyrille RAYMOND, Philippe LECLERE
- Частна професионална гимназия по Мултимедия, Компютърен Графичен Дизайн и Анимация (Private Vocational School for Multimedia, Computer Graphic Design and Animation)
Who we are
The Private Vocational School for Multimedia, Computer Graphic Design and Animation educates students in these specialized areas: Computer techniques and technologies, Software development, Computer networks, Movie montage, Computer graphics, Computer Animation. It has staff of about 20 and its’s scope is national. Professional training is conducted based on own educational programs approved by the Bulgarian Ministry of Education and created by a team of highly competent teachers with academic ranks from leading institutes of higher education and specialized companies. The areas of specific expertise and competence are: computer architectures, periphery and networks; programming of structure- and object-based languages, OS, DB and contemporary informational network technologies; Digital audio editing, video and photo imaging, 2D & 3D realistic computer graphics and design, animation and digital video editing; Presentation and interactive multimedia in local and Internet media, web design, E-applying etc.
64, Patriarh Evtimii blv.
1000 Sofia
Contact person(s): Gospodin Jelev, Yoana Minkova
- FIM-NeuesLernen (FIM) ILI
Who we are
ILI, Institute for Innovation in Learning (FIM-NewLearning) is a department of the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität of Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU), continuously working on media and network-based learning and qualification systems in the context of life long learning since 1976. Since 1986, ILI has extensively been involved in European Research and Development Projects in the field of innovative learning technologies. ILI is in cooperation with and provides consult-ing for institutions and companies from regional to European level and for the European Commission. FIM has a powerful learning technology development centre which develops learning portals, data bases optimising the learning process, open source learning environments and authoring systems, adapts communication and cooperation systems to learners' needs and more. At present around 25 people are employed at FIM working as an interdisciplinary team in a mix of cognitive and social scientists and technology and multimedia and natural science experts.
Institut für Lern-Innovation (FIM-NewLearning)
Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
Nägelsbachstr. 25b
D-91052 Erlangen
Contact person(s): Sonia Hetzner
- Education Department of Madeira (DRE)
Who we are
The Regional Directorate of Education is a public organisation with 241 employees that leads several departments in the educational field. Among those, the Department of Educational Technologies provides support and consultancy in ICT projects and fosters the development of educative projects. It provides ICT training, supports events and advises on the use of ICT and audiovisual equipment.
Rua Cidade do Cabo, n° 38
PT - 9050-047 Funchal
Contact person(s): Rafael Santos, Sandra Proença
The project also relies on the cooperation with European Schoolnet.
Contact person(s): Dr. Agueda Gras