The "Communities" are virtual and open spaces for exchanging practices and ideas among schools, teachers and science education practitioners all over Europe. By contacting the national team of each community you can send articles and information on your school projects or other science education initiatives and relevant web sites you want to promote.
Within the STELLA web portal you will find different kinds of Communities:
National Communities of Practices
These web pages address teachers, schools, school heads, decision makers and all people involved in science education in the partner countries. These pages are about national, regional and local school projects, initiatives and issues, and are edited in the national partner languages:
European Community of Practices
This is an open space for fostering the cooperation among teachers, schools, decision makers, and practitioners in science education from different European countries. These pages are edited in English and present science education projects, initiatives and issues from partner countries (i.e. Bulgaria, France, Germany, Italy, Portugal) or other countries not included in the project partnership.
"Girls and Science" is focused on issues, initiatives and experiences aimed at promoting equal opportunities in science education and carriers;
"Science education in Europe" deepens a complex subject such as policies, projects and key actors for fostering science education in Europe.