Thematic Community: "Girls and Science"

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Women in Science: Audio-Book
For much of human history, women were officially excluded from the scientific realm. However, in spite of their invisibility in the history narrative, this did not mean that science was exclusively a man’s world. Many women, throughout the (...)

EUD: Meeting point for ICT Women in Europe!
The European Directory of Women and ICT has been developed upon the initiative and with the support of the European Commission’s DG Information Society and Media. Getting more girls and women into the technology sector is today not only a (...)

PREMIO award top Italian women scientist in North America
Alessandra Luchini, a scientist in the Center for Applied Proteomics and Molecular Medicine, has been recognized by Bridges to Italy, an international business association, and the Italian Women Inventors and Innovators Network (ITWIIN) as the top (...)

European Women Innovators & Inventors Network Conference & Awards
Next EUWIIN event is scheduled for 7-9 October 2009 Helsinki, Finland. EUWIIN is the European Union Women Inventors & Innovators Network

Women & Technologies International Conference
The conference Women & Technologies® (2008-2015) aims to reveal a world of women who do not limit themselves to "using" technologies. They rather create and adapt them according to their needs and curiosity, bearing a technological universe of (...)

Airtime for women scientists in Europe - SET-Routes Audio Portraits
In an attempt to encourage young women to pursue careers in science, engineering and technology (SET), the SET-Routes Audio Portraits feature a series of interviews with successful women scientists from all over Europe. The scientists talk openly (...)

Changing research landscapes to make the most of human potential - Prague 14-15 May 2009
Ten years of EU experience in analysing the situation regarding the field of women in science has demonstrated that the direct commitment of institutions is essential in attracting and keeping women, and men, in science. The International (...)

International Conference Be.MINT, 20th April 2009, Hannover, Germany
Be.MINT - Best Practices for Women in Mathematics, Informatics, Natural Sciences and Technology The international conference of the National Joint Initiative for Women in MINT-Professions will take place on Monday 20th April 2009 at the Hannover (...)

Girls' Day - Future Prospects for Girls: 23th of April 2009
On the 23th of April 2009 technical enterprises, enterprises with technical departments and technical training facilities, universities and research centres are invited to organise an open day for girls - the Girls'Day. Through a great variety (...)

UPDATE stands for Understanding and Providing a Developmental Approach to Technology Education – Aim of the project is to improve science and technology teaching in Europe in order to appeal young people to technology, especially girls. New (...)

Scienza A due Voci - two voices science
The first example of a biographic dictionary of Italian women scientists it’s now on line at It's an easy on line tool to know more about the role played by Italian women scientists in the development and promotion (...)

Girls FIRST: A Guide to Starting Science Clubs for Girls
Chabot Space & Science Center is pleased to announce the release of Girls FIRST: A Guide to Starting Science Clubs for Girls by Linda Kekelis and Etta Heber. This resource guide is for teachers, parents, and anyone interested in encouraging girls in (...)

Xperimania winners announced: girls come out on top in science competition
Three girls have won the first Xperimania competitions on materials and chemistry. Kristiana A. and Detelina N. from Bulgaria, and Deborah F. from Malta won the two main prizes. The runners-up and special mentions were awarded to pupils from (...)

Roberta goes EU
Roberta takes girls and young women into the fascinating world of robots, where they can learn science, technology and IT in an exciting and realistic way. Using real robots! Roberta instructors are specially trained and teaching and learning (...)

Women & Technologies: Research and Innovation; 7 Sept 2008 in Milan, Italy
The one day Conference will be held within the IFIP WCC (World Computer Congress: at Milano, Italy, on September 8th, 2008 on the subject of Women&Technologies: research and innovation. Basically, our wish with this (...)

Innovation in Europe - The European Economic Perspective of Innovation as seen by Women; 8 Nov 2008 in Lisbon, Portugal
The 24th International EWMD Conference will be held in Lisbon on the 7- 8 of November 2008. EWMD International has chosen this topic because women are not perceived as innovators, as technological innovation is dominated by men. The conference aims (...)