Thematic Community: "Girls and Science"

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This is a virtual place for talking about "Girls and Science", with the aim of finding together ways of encouraging girls to think about scientific careers, starting early from primary education, keeping the interest high up to secondary education, and - why not? - even beyond.

Project and Policies

Starting from your suggestions and contributions, we will find here news, articles, materials and documentation, about policies and projects for the promotion of science education and carriers among girls, at local, national and European level.


Tell us your stories about "girls and science education".

  • Are you a teacher?
    • Write your experience, your projects and initiatives in the school or in the classroom (how do the girls in your classroom react to your proposals, what do they think about science, etc.).
    • Bring the girls with you! Ask the girls in your classroom to write what they think about science carriers and studies.
  • Are you a scientist or a researcher?
    • Send a message for girls and teachers of European schools, giving them tips and clues about your working life and study experiences...


Please contact us and send your contribution to this community: